
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Reader Request: Going Out Outfits For Adults

This week's reader request post is for Annie, a 31 year old who recently moved to Los Angeles from Ohio (huge change!) and needs new clothes to match her change in lifestyle.  Previously, her circle of friends was very family-oriented and she has plenty of outfits for trips to the zoo and TGI Fridays, but her evenings and weekends are now filled with child-less dinners and brunches and she needs clothes to match.

Annie wants her outfits to be appropriate for someone who's well beyond her college years, and I am happy to help, especially since I'm facing some of the same dilemmas.  Even though Annie and I aren't old by any stretch of the imagination, there are lots of styles clearly intended for the early 20s crowd, and it can be hard to find the middle ground.

Here are a few ideas, and just for fun, I showed how some key pieces can go from day to night:

Outfits for Annie 1

Outfits for Annie 2

Cute, huh?  I got inspired while putting these together and can't wait to copy some of the outfits this week.  Hopefully this was helpful for Annie (and the rest of you)!


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