
Monday, November 5, 2012

5 Things Friday... On Monday

Good morning!  Hopefully you all had a great weekend - mine was full of parties and wine and sleeping late.  Just like I like them.

Since I didn't share my weekly roundup of random stuff on Friday, I'm posting them today.  So, without further ado, the five things I deemed worth sharing on the internet:

1. I can't say often enough that cobalt blue is a year-round color.  I scored this great dress from LOFT and it will work for events in the fall, spring or summer.  If the skirt weren't so floaty, it would work in winter as well.

2. I did not have a good day on Friday, it was just long and stressful.  As I often do, I gave myself a 5 minute "smoke break" on the internet and then I was shocked.  Did y'all know that the volume buttons on your iPhone headphones function as a camera remote?  What else don't I know about this little phone?!

3. I love me a good Christmas craft, and this year I want to make something like this for our front door.  I'm thinking I'll just need a $3 paper mache letter from JoAnn's and a container of Christmas ornaments from Ikea of Home Depot and some hot glue.  Easy, right?

Source: via Haley on Pinterest

4.  I was excited to get the Lonny Magazine iPad app and download some of my favorite issues this week.  I'm glad I did, because I was excited to rediscover these photos of editor Michelle Adams' bedroom.  I freaking love it.  The leopard and floral works perfectly with art and classic linens.

5. And now, for a serious thing.  Tomorrow is a pretty big day for America and I think it's so amazing that we all have an equal say in who our leaders will be.  It's a big responsibility, and I hope you will all exercise your right and obligation to vote.  Even if you think everything I believe is stupid, and I'm sure many of you do, as long as you cast your ballot for the candidate whose views on align with yours on important issues then I think that's great. 

If you don't know where the candidates stand on every major issue, I encourage you to visit a nonpartisan source and make a comparison to see who is most likely to represent your views.  I'm ashamed to say that I never really knew until I was 20 and a professor made everyone write a paper about it.  It's not too late to make an informed choice, so get out there and vote!

Source: via Danielle on Pinterest


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