
Friday, June 7, 2013

5 Things Friday

Happy Friday, internet!  I hope y'all have had a good week.  Mine has been a little crazy, and I need a nice long break with my books and my bed. Until then, here are five things worth sharing on the internet:

1. This fall I'm planning to take my mom on her first trip out of the country, and I'll be showing her London (my favorite city!) and then we'll be exploring Amsterdam together.  If you have any recommendations on places to stay/eat/see, please let me know!

image via S. Lo on Flickr

2. I don't typically get serious or political here, but no matter how much your views differ from mine, I think we should all be horrified that there are upwards of 400,000 rape kits sitting around untested in the United States.  Women are waiting years for justice, and thankfully there are some wonderful nonprofit groups working to change that.  I recently learned about Test400K, a group working to fund testing of rape kits and right now, donations of $50 or more will be supplemented to cover the costs of testing a kit for DNA evidence .  Learn more about them here, and please consider a donation if you can.

3.  Can you believe that it's been 15 years since Sex and the City premiered?  I was too young to watch the show back then (I was 14), but discovered it when I was about 20 and have loved it ever since. 

Random:  My friend Julie and I have had a 10-year running joke about how you can say anything with a Samantha Jones voice inflection (lots of ups and downs) and it will sound dirty.

4. I have a love/hate relationship with my house.  It's about 1800 square feet, but without a lot of storage space since people in the 1950s didn't have as much stuff as I do.  Since I refuse to believe that we can't survive without a ginormous house, I'm starting to look at unused spaces and find ways to (elegantly) fill them.  One space is a wide aisle between my sectional and the windows and I think a long, low bookcase like this would be perfect.  Got any affordable or vintage finds I should consider? 

5. Fishtail braids are hard, y'all.  This tutorial is supposedly pretty good, but I can't get a result like the one below.  What do you do with the layers??  (I do, however, rock that makeup style a few times per week and love it so much)

Bonus 6th Thing!  If you are a Philippa Gregory book nerd like me, you'll be excited to learn that the BBC has made a series based on The Cousins War series (The White Queen, The Red Queen, The Kingmakers Daughter) and it airs in the US in August on Starz.  If I didn't tell you now, I'd forget.

And with that, I bid you good weekend!


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