
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Help me! What to do with a vintage trunk?

I can be an impulsive shopper.  I'm quick to see potential in clothes, and sometimes in decor.  However, one recent bargain has me a bit stumped.  I am the proud owner of a 70 year old wood and brass trunk that cost me $20, and have not a clue where I'm going to put it.

There's lots of great inspiration on the internets:

Source: via Julie on Pinterest

Seems easy enough, right?  However, my trunk is not a Vuitton, nor is it large enough to serve as a table without the addition of legs, or anchor the end of a bed.  It's army green, and stands about knee high.  What would you do with this thing??

P.S.  In case you've forgotten, the rest of my house looks like this, so a "dirty old trunk" (husband's words) won't fit right in if I just stick it in a corner.

P.P.S. Is anyone in Dallas in the market for a trunk?  


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